Year End Tax Savers

Posted on January 30th, by jcsmith in Tax, Tips. Comments Off on Year End Tax Savers

College savings.

Some states allow state income tax deduc­tions for contributions to Section 529 college savings plans. If your state does, and you’re planning to send a child to college, consider making one.

Individual retirement accounts.

Convert a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA to obtain future tax-free investment returns from the Roth IRA while escaping minimum annual distribution requirements.  Added benefit: You can reconsider and reverse the conversion if you later decide it is not in your best interest or that you can make the conver­sion at a lower tax cost later if the value of your account had dropped – as late as October 15, 2013. You may reverse a conver­sion only once in a single year.

Capital losses.

Take capital losses to end up with a $3,000 net loss for the year. A loss of up to that amount is deductible against ordinary income.

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